Yet another blogging site.. but why ?
Well this probably is a question that anyone new to this site would have,to answer this - well I started blogging on medium, mostly about tech related articles and I got quite interested in it.Then I got invited to publish on this website called gitconnected which was intergrated to medium somehow and allowed publishing via medium to their own custom domain. I was interested in attempting a similar thing and googled if this was in any way doable. Unfortunately this turned out to be a dead end as medium had deprecated their custom domain service officially as of November 2017 for new websites. You can read more about it on their oficial statement on Deprication of custom domains. Although medium was a great platform to publish and read articles this was a dealbreaker for me as It didn't allow you to host your articles on your own domain using their platform. This led me to discover and explore other options although I did find many options most of them seemed to be too complicated or not worth the effort. I was planning on doing this on my spare time and didn't want to tire myself over it too much.
This search of easy ways of making a blog/website ended up with me finding out about Gatsby a framework based on React that makes it really easy to develop and deploy websites which uses a modern approach to building websites using the JAMstack.JAM is all about modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript, reusable API's, and prebuilt Markup. I was already very comfortable with using React & JS and this new framework which was based off of it made me feel right at home. It's internal API was based off of GraphQL and since I already used GrahpQL in a few projects of mine, i felt comfortable enough adopting to it as well. When it came to deploying It was just a one click deploy, specially if you were deploying to Netlify. I was most impressed by this as the deployment process was simplified as It could possibly be. If you haven't used Netlifly and hoping to set up your own website or blog I recommend that you give it a shot as its worth it.
After figuring all these out and tweeking out a template almost to a point of building it from scratch and 3 weeks later my website finally turned out to be great and ready to deploy. It really was a great learning experience for me and really enjoyed using Gatsby. I plan on making a bootstrapped version of my template opensource in the near future which I hope would help most peeps out there make their dream website / blog.I also plan on posting most articles and opensource projects etc here. So await great new stuff / content on my website soon in the near future ! Till then you can check out my articles on medium and let me know your thaughts/feedback on them or this website in the comments below...